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Leading IP Firm
Our ratingsThis is a contract or an agreement in accordance with which a holder grants the right to use his software, database to another party, for a specific period of time, under conditions specified by the parties, and in a specific territory.
If you wish to grant the right of use in relation to your software or database and receive the royalty (the remuneration for the right of use) for use of your software or database, then you must enter into a written agreement.
Provision of the right of use for a software or database is subject to mandatory registration with the Federal Intellectual Property Service (Rospatent). Otherwise such an agreement will be held null and void.
The correct execution and registration of a license agreement is not a complicated task for an expert who has a relevant experience in intellectual property protection.
Trademark attorneys and lawyers of Zuykov and Partners will be happy to help you in solving this and many other issues, will give you detailed advice and do all required actions related to the transfer of rights to software, database.
A license agreement drawn up in writing and signed by the parties allows the developer to transfer the right to a database or computer program for temporary use. In the contract, the copyright holder indicates for what period and in what way he allows the use of a software or database. He also describes the type of license and the nature of the transfer of rights: paid or gratuitous. In the first case, the parties agree on the procedure and amount of license payment. To conclude an agreement, they do not require registration with Rospatent and the text does not have a strictly established form.