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Leading IP Firm
Our ratingsA license agreement is a contract in accordance with which a holder grants the right to use their trademark, patent or software to another party, for a specific period of time, under conditions specified by the parties, and in a specific territory.
If you wish to grant the right to use in relation to your trademark, patent or software and receive the royalty (the remuneration for the right of use) for the use of your trademark, patent or software, then you must enter into a written agreement.
It is mandatory to record a license agreement with Rospatent. Without recordal, the agreement will be held null and void.
We are experts in the field and would be happy to assist you with the correct execution and registration of the license agreement.
Generally speaking, we would be delighted to help you in solving this and many other issues and provide you with detailed advice and do all required actions related to the granting of IP rights.
We never promise anything we cannot fulfill. When we have drafted the license agreement or when we have had a chance to review your contract, we will ensure recordal with Rospatent.
If the right holder wants to allow another person to use his intellectual property, then the parties enter into a licensing agreement. This is a document expressed in an objective form on granting the right to use the results of creative work in exchange for a certain compensation or without it. In the text of the agreement, the parties indicate the territory of the agreement, the rights of the holder of license, a description of intellectual property and the amount of compensation to be paid. If the object of the license agreement was registered with Rospatent, then the agreement must also be drawn up in the Patent Office for the lawfullness of the concluded agreement.