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Our ratingsHow the pandemic hasaffected the number of trademark registrations in Russia, which countries Russian applicants most often apply for trademark registration abroad, and from which foreign countries applicants most often file trademark applications with Rospatent.
One of the functions of Rospatent is to collect statistical data and compile annual reports, which are published on the official website of the patent office.
Such activity is due to a number of reasons. The information obtained allows to draw conclusions with regards to the following:
Increase or decrease of the applicant activity in different types of intellectual property rights.
Identify trends in the field of patenting and registration of trademarks.
Outline the priority activities for the Patent Office in the next year.
It should be noted that the statistical reports are of interest not only to Rospatent specialists, but also to patent attorneys and other persons interested in the development and trends in the field of patenting and registration of visual identity.
The measures taken by the states to contain the pandemic caused by COVID-19 led to a significant economic decline. In this regard, it is advisable to study the statistical data presented in the reports of Rospatent and assess the situation in the field of trademark registration. In this article we review the statistics for the period from 2018 to 2020. This interval is not chosen by chance: the first year will show the level of trademark registration before the pandemic, and the last two years will reflect the degree of influence of COVID-19 on the industry.
Source: Rospatent: 2020 Annual Report
The flow chart shows that, despite the difficult economic situation, the trademark industry continues to actively develop. At the same time, the number of trademarks that have received legal protection over the past three years has increased slightly. Consequently, applicants began to file more unregistrable trademarks.
It is also useful to consider the ratio of activity of domestic and foreign applicants separately.
Source: Rospatent: 2020 Annual Report
As noted by Rospatent specialists, the number of applications filed by foreign applicants decreased. These flow charts show a decrease in the number of trademark applications submitted by foreign applicants to the indicators of 2018. Apparently, due to the difficult economic situation, companies are trying to strengthen their positions primarily in domestic markets. Taking into account the growth of the total volume of applications filed with Rospatent, we can conclude about the high activity of Russian companies, which ensures an increase in indicators even taking into account the decline on the part of foreign applicants.
The following chart shows the top 10 countries from which most often trademark applications were sent to Russia in 2020.
Source: Rospatent: 2020 Annual Report
Also, we propose to consider the top 10 foreign countries in which Russian applicants most frequently applied for trademark protection under the Madrid system of trademark registration.
The information presented in the chart reflects the data received by WIPO for 2019, taking into account all classes of the Nice Classification indicated in the trademark applications.
Source: WIPO «World Intellectual Property Indicators 2020
Despite the fact that the data in Flow Chart 3 and Flow Chart 4 show data for different years, some similarity can be found between them. Thus, apart from Flow Chart, in Chart 4 and France in Flow Chart 3, the list of the first five states is identical. This indicates an active interaction between Russia, China, the U.S., the European Union and Germany in the field of goods turnover and registration of trademarks.
To summarize the above, we can conclude the following: despite the pandemic caused by Covid-19, Russia has seen an increase in trademark filing activity. At the same time, the increase is achieved mainly due to domestic entrepreneurs and companies. This contributes to the strengthening of the position of Russian producers on the domestic market and the restoration of economic balance.
Head of Department / Trademark Attorney