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Our ratingsOn March 16-17, 2016 in Moscow in the hotel “Metropol” passed XVI Forum of intellectual property organized by Infor-media Russia where Zuykov & Partners LLC acted as General partner, Pepeliaev Group, Lidings company and Dentons company acted as partners.
The Forum was attended by over 100 specialists from 10 regions of Russia. During the event were discussed the most topical issues of intellectual property protection. The speakers – representatives of various companies and State Duma of the Russian Federation, the Court of the Intellectual Property, Federal Antimonopoly service of the Russian Federation, Rospatent – gave presentations on the latest amendments in the Russian legislation, unfair competition, protection of rights to objects of intellectual property, rights management and many others.
The first day of the forum began with a discussion of the outcome of 2015 and amendments in the legislation. The forum continued with a session on which General Director of Zuykov & partners LLC, Patent attorney of the Russian Federation, Eurasian patent attorney - Mr. Sergey Zuykov made a report on "Rights protection or abuse of rights: the thin line of usage of article 10 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation" .
On the first day of the forum also passed two round tables: on the protection of means of individualization and on the protection of objects of patent law. Were organized discussions blocks to discuss the protection of copyright and related rights as well as the practice of rights protection in the field of information and digital technologies.
The second day of the forum was devoted to discussion of issues of intellectual property management and innovative development of the company, as well as dispute resolution. Alexandra Pelikh who is the Senior lawyer of the company Zuykov & partners LLC and Patent attorney of the Russian Federation made a report on “Protecting the rights of employers on service objects of intellectual property. Legal precedents and evidence problems”.
Under the Forum the participants were able to share extensive experience in the field of intellectual property, to discuss the specifics of legal regulation of various aspects of registration and protection of rights for major categories of IP, to learn about the features of judicial practices of resolving disputes, as well as to establish effective business relationships.