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Our ratingsOn March 31st, 2016 in Moscow in the Marriot Grand Hotel passed the Conference “Intellectual property. Intellectual disputes: key changes, major cases”, where Zuykov & partners LLC acted as the General partner. This Conference was organized by informational portal PRAVO.RU.
Under this conference were analyzed many cases related to protection of rights to objects of intellectual property in the Internet, parallel import, domain disputes, etc., Participants discussed issues regarding new topics relating to new approaches that emerged after the abolition of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation and the changes of jurisdiction of several disputes.
The major interest among the conference participants was aroused by the discussion on the work of the Court of intellectual property rights and results of its work for the year 2015.
Under all three sessions with their reports the most topical issue of theory and practice of protection of intellectual property rights made by the representatives of Federal Antimonopoly service of the Russian Federation, Rospatent, major Russian and foreign companies.
In the third session Elena Pashkova who is the judge of Court of intellectual rights presented the report on the theme "Compensation as a measure of responsibility for violation of exclusive rights to the invention. How rules of the game will change". General Director of the company "Zuykov & partners" Sergey Zuykov, also presented his report on the theme: "Protection of rights and abuse of right: the thin line of application of article 10 of the civil code of the Russian Federation".
Under the conference the participants were able to share extensive experience in the field of intellectual property, to discuss new approaches to the protection of rights on IP objects in the Russian legislation and judicial practice, as well as to establish useful business contacts.