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Sergey Zuykov commented on the government bill on Russia's accession to the Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement

01 Nov 2021
#Company News

Russia is ready to join the Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement on Appellations of Origin for Geographical Indications. The bill has already been submitted to the State Duma. If approved, the bill will allow regional brands to defend their interests abroad.

The Geneva Act allows you to register a brand in several states at once. More than 30 countries have already joined the system.

Russian experts support the initiative, pointing out that now the procedure for registering intellectual property rights to a brand is rather complicated.

Sergey Zuykov, Managing Partner of Zuykov and partners, in a comment for RBK, noted that registration of rights to a brand is a complicated procedure in Russia as well:

“Not so long ago, a“ geographical indication ”object appeared, which made the registration procedure easier. The procedure is not easy in Russia, but abroad the situation was much more complicated. Importantly, in many countries, this made it simply impossible to protect the regional brand and geographic name. Most countries tie protection to the so-called “mother” country. That is, if a geographic name is not protected in Russia, then other countries will not protect it. ”

The new rules will take effect one year after the president signs the law. The Russian authorities will have to prepare similar opportunities for foreign business: foreign companies will be able to apply to Rospatent for the protection of intellectual rights, and the Civil Code will have a rule on the registration of geographic names under international treaties.