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The International Conference “The legal issues of e-commerce and the defense of the information”

02 Oct 2019 (updated at 13 May 2021)
Managing Partner / Patent Attorney of the Russian Federation / Eurasian Patent Attorney

The event took place on September 26-27 in Moscow. The organizer was one of the largest firms for the preparation and organization of specialized business conferences — Business Way Forum. Zuykov and Partners acted as a sponsor of the meeting.

The first day program was entitled as: “Managing the risks associated with the transactions in virtual space.” The speakers represented the reports on the identification of e-commerce participants, the application of electronic signatures, the peculiarities of the defense against the abuses on the part of consumers, the procedure for concluding the agreements on trading platforms and on other issues associated with the commercial relations in digital space.

Two sessions were held on the second day. The topic of the first group of the speeches was: “The defense of the information and information resources.” The lawyers present at the event studied the variants for blocking the information on the Internet, the problems in the field of the defense of the websites on the Internet and their solutions, as well as the peculiarities of the links to the digital content under the EU law.

Then, Roman Larshin, the lawyer of Zuykov and Partners, made a report on the topic: “The disputes regarding the rights to the use of the registered domain names.” Roman told about the defense of the means of individualization against their illegal use in the domain names, the ways for the struggle against the domain names’ administrators reporting the false information to the registrars, and in the end, he gave the examples of the judicial practice.

This was followed by the second session devoted to the legal defense of the personal data. The participants learned about the personal data in the context of e-commerce, Roskomnadzor inspections and discussed the possibilities and consequences of the adoption of the Sovereign Internet Law.

Managing Partner / Patent Attorney of the Russian Federation / Eurasian Patent Attorney