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The 2nd international conference “Protection of Intellectual Property Rights”

10 Oct 2018 (updated at 20 May 2021)
Managing Partner / Patent Attorney of the Russian Federation / Eurasian Patent Attorney

The 2nd international conference “Protection of Intellectual Property Rights” will take place in Moscowon October 11-12, 2018. The event, which is being organizes by Business Way Forum, is held annuallyduring 7 years, and for the last 2 years it has acquired an international status.The company “Zuykov and Partners” is a title sponsor of the conference. The lawyers of the company“Zuykov and Partners” consider the chosen topic to be the most relevant in the intellectual property field.During the speeches of more than 30 examiners from different countries, the participants will learn aboutthe latest trends in the field of protection of the intellectual property subject matters, and they will becomefamiliar with the modern ways of stopping the illegal activities. During the thematic sessions and withinthe framework of a parallel thread, the following issues are brought up for a discussion: the protection ofthe IT projects and the personal data in the Internet; combating the illegal manufacture and distribution ofthe counterfeit products and counteracting an unfair competition; the peculiarities of taxation of thesubject matters of intellectual property and many other issues.The topics, which the organizers of the conference suggest to consider, are of interest to a wide circle ofspecialists. This is due to the fact that the protection of the right holders’ interests against illegalencroachments is one of the main in the field of protection of the results of an intellectual activity andmeans of individualization.

Managing Partner / Patent Attorney of the Russian Federation / Eurasian Patent Attorney