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The best Russian inventions of the XXI century

03 Mar 2022 (updated at 24 May 2024)
#Interesting facts on intellectual property

The 2021 year was declared the year of science and technology in Russia. Throughout the year, many talented young people interested in developing science and technology attended such events. This was quite expected due to the historical interest of Russian citizens in creativity and invention and the large number of talented Russian scientists known throughout the world. In the year of science and technology, Rospatent named the 10 best inventions of the 21st century, with most of the products and technologies related to medicine. And although the pandemic has made adjustments to the inventors’ patent activity, there are no vaccines on this list.


The ceremony of announcing and rewarding the authors of the 10 best inventions of Russia of the first two decades of this century took place on September 29, 2021, during the plenary session of the XXV International Conference of Rospatent "Formation of the Intellectual Property Ecosystem." Although tens of thousands of inventions of Russian scientists are patented in Rospatent every year, 138 inventions were selected by the department's experts, which were subsequently put up for an open online vote, which took place from April 29 to June 1, 2021. More than 17 took part in the online voting 000 people (scientists, experts, patent specialists, inventors, innovators, and stakeholders) from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Yaroslavl, Omsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Barnaul, Perm, Novosibirsk, Tyumen, Volgograd, Krasnoyarsk, Yakutsk, Vladivostok, and other cities. According to voting results, the following 10 patented inventions were chosen:


1. The list is opened by patent No. 2740287 "3D-MATRIX STRUCTURE FOR DELIVERY OF MEDICINAL PREPARATIONS", copyright holder: "Lomonosov Moscow State University" (MSU) (RU). Scientists at Moscow State University have created a 3D matrix structure for drug delivery into the body.

2. Patent No. 2448685 "LIPOSOMES CONTAINING OLIGOPEPTIDES - FRAGMENTS OF THE MAIN PROTEIN MYELIN, PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION AND METHOD FOR TREATMENT OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS". The Ministry of Industry and Trade and Pharmsintez have patented liposomes with special components for the treatment of multiple sclerosis.

3. Patent No. 2641388 "PROSTHESIS OF THE HEART MITRAL VALVE", patentee: Federal State Budgetary Institution "National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after A. N. Bakulev" Ministry of Health of Russia) (RU). At the Bakulev Center, a group of researchers led by Leo Bokeria presented a mitral heart valve prosthesis.

4. Patent No. 2400135 "MAGNETIC RESONANCE TOMOGRAPH FOR EXAMINATION OF LIMBS," patentee: Limited Liability Company "SPGELPIK" (RU).

5. Patent No. 2582300 "METHOD OF COHERENT ADDITION OF LASER RADIATION IN MULTICHANNEL CONTINUOUS LASERS," patent holder: Russian Federation, on behalf of which the State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom," Federal State Research Unitary Enterprise "Russian Federal Nuclear Center experimental physics "- FSUE" RFNC-VNIIEF "(RU).


7. Patent No. 2720458 "METHOD FOR OBTAINING A COMPOSITION FOR BOR-NEUTRON CAPTURE THERAPY OF MALIGNANT TUMORS (VERSIONS)," patent holder: Autonomous non-profit association "International Research Center for Innovative Technologies" (ANO budgetary institution MNEXCIT MNEXCIT) Science Institute of Nuclear Physics G.I. Budker of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INP SB RAS) (RU), Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Synthetic Polymer Materials named after NS. Enikolopov RAS (ISPM RAS) (RU).

8. The experts also noted the patent No. 2678675 "BIODEGRADABLE POLYMERIC COMPOSITION MATERIAL BASED ON SECONDARY POLYPROPYLENE," patent holder: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Bashkir State University" (RU), Limited Liability Company Plant of Plastic Products "Alternative," LLC "ZPI" Alternative "(RU).

9. Patent No. 2360992 LOW-ACTIVATED HEAT-RESISTANT RADIATION-RESISTANT STEEL, patentee: Open Joint Stock Company "High-Tech Research Institute of Inorganic Materials named after Academician AA Bochvar" (RU).

10. Patent No. 2717664 "CONCENTRATE COMPOSITION AND METHOD FOR INCREASING POLYMER VISCOSITY," patent holder: Public Joint Stock Company "SIBUR Holding" (RU).


The above list of patents shows that all of them are for the benefit of humanity. To involve a larger number of people interested in developing different areas of science and technology, the ten best inventions of the 21st century will be made available to the general public. "In the Year of Science and Technology, we held a vote dedicated to the best Russian inventions of the 21st century. These are landmark developments of Russian scientists! ... We will record podcasts about the best inventions and post them on educational information resources and social networks" - said Oleg Neretin, a Director of the Federal Institute of Industrial Property.


With an increase in the number of interested specialists in creativity and invention, the number of applications for registration of inventions will increase, and each of them can, in the future, bring its creators' worldwide fame, enormous benefits for society, and commercial success in the market.