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Patenting a Utility Model

16 Mar 2021 (updated at 07 Aug 2024)

A utility model is a technical solution related to a device or construction including assembly units or parts of complex aggregates. Utility models are also called petty patents since their novelty is less essential from the point of view of technical progress.

Patent for utility model can be granted if the requirements of novelty and industrial applicability or utility are met. The process of registration of utility model is administered by the Civil code of the Russian Federation. It takes up to 6 months. First the author needs to file an application to the Federal Institute for Industrial Property. The application should be made in the official template. You can find the template at the official website of the state organization. Then it is necessary to pay state registration fee.

After the Patent office receives all the necessary documents you application will be accepted and sent to experts who will check if your utility model meets the requirements of patentability and if all submitted documents are filled in properly.

Annual Maintenance of a Patent

To maintain your patent you need to pay the state official annual fee. If the fee is not paid, the patent becomes invalid and any person can start using it within the period of its invalidity. The patent can be renewed within three years period of non-payment of annual fee.

Registration of a Utility Model

  • Write the text describing your utility model: device which you are going to patent.
  • Make the list of characteristics of your utility model.
  • Prepare application for the registration of your utility model and file it to Rospatent.
  • After you receive the decision on your patent for utility model pay for patent granting.
  • If an expert opinion is required then send the answer for this request to Rospatent.
  • Pay maintenance fees for your patent.

If at some stage you don’t know how to proceed please contact Zuykov & partners and we will help you.