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Our ratingsChapter 15 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation regulates conciliation procedures that can be carried out in the resolution of disputes within the framework of arbitration proceedings.
As specified in Part 1 of Article 138, the Arbitration Court takes measures to reconcile the parties and assists them in settling the dispute, guided by the interests of the parties and the objectives of judicial proceedings in arbitration courts.
Reconciliation of the parties is possible at any stage of the arbitration process and during the execution of a judicial act unless otherwise provided by the named Code and other federal laws (Part 4 of the same article).
According to Part 1 of Article 138.1, a conciliation procedure can be conducted at the request of the parties (party) or at the proposal of the arbitration court.
Article 138.2 establishes the types of conciliation procedures, which include:
As specified in Article 138.4, the parties have the right to settle the dispute using the mediation procedure as established by the named Code and federal law.
The procedure for conducting mediation is indicated in Article 11 of the Federal Law dated July 27, 2010, No. 193-FZ (as amended on July 26, 2019) "On the Alternative Dispute Resolution Procedure with the Participation of an Intermediary (Mediation Procedure)", with the most important provisions specified in Parts 1, 6, and 7 of the mentioned article:
Thus, the parties conclude an agreement on the mediation procedure, which specifies the period during which they agree not to return to court to resolve the dispute. The duration of the mediation procedure should not exceed 180 days, except for the duration of the mediation procedure after the dispute is referred to a court or arbitration court, which should not exceed 60 days.
If the dispute is referred to a court or arbitration court, the parties can apply the mediation procedure at any time before the court or arbitration court renders a decision on the dispute (Part 2 of Article 4 of FZ No. 193).
Article 5 of FZ No. 193 establishes rules for maintaining the confidentiality of information related to the mediation procedure.
According to Part 2 of the mentioned article, the mediator must not disclose information related to the mediation procedure and which became known to them during its conduct without the consent of the parties.
In addition, part 3 of this article states that the parties, organizations carrying out activities to ensure the conduct of the mediation procedure, the mediator, as well as other persons present during the mediation procedure, regardless of whether the trial or arbitration proceedings are related to the dispute, which was the subject of the mediation procedure, does not have the right to refer, unless the parties agree otherwise, during court proceedings or arbitration proceedings to information about:
Demands from the mediator and from the organization carrying out activities to ensure the conduct of the mediation procedure for information related to the mediation procedure are not allowed, except in cases provided for by federal laws, and unless the parties agree otherwise (Part 4 of the same article).
If the mediator has received information from one of the parties related to the mediation procedure, he may disclose such information to the other party only with the consent of the party providing the information (Article 6 of the same law).
The procedure itself is carried out by professional mediators.
As stated in paragraph 3 of Article 2 of Federal Law No. 193, a mediator, mediators are an independent individual, independent individuals engaged by the parties as intermediaries in resolving a dispute to assist the parties in developing a solution on the merits of the dispute.
According to Part 1 of Article 9 of Federal Law No. 193, to conduct the mediation procedure, the parties, by mutual agreement, select one or more mediators.
A mediator selected or appointed in accordance with this article, in the event of the presence or occurrence of circumstances during the mediation procedure that may affect his independence and impartiality, is immediately obliged to notify the parties about this or in the case of a mediation procedure carried out by an organization engaged in ensuring conducting the mediation procedure, also to the specified organization. (Part 3 of the same article).
As for the cost of mediator services, such activities can be carried out both on a free or paid basis, and the activities of the relevant organizations can be carried out on a paid basis.
If the activity is paid, it is paid by the parties in equal shares, unless they agree otherwise.
Based on the results of the mediation procedure, the parties enter into a mediation agreement.
A mediation agreement reached by the parties as a result of a mediation procedure carried out after submitting a dispute to a court or arbitration tribunal may be approved by the court or arbitration tribunal as a settlement agreement in accordance with procedural legislation or legislation on arbitration courts, legislation on international commercial arbitration.
A mediation agreement on a dispute arising from civil legal relations, reached by the parties as a result of a mediation procedure carried out without referring the dispute to a court or arbitration tribunal, is a civil law transaction aimed at establishing, changing or terminating the rights and obligations of the parties. Such a transaction may be subject to the rules of civil law on compensation, novation, forgiveness of debt, set-off of a counterclaim of the same kind, and compensation for damage. Protection of rights violated as a result of non-fulfillment or improper execution of such a mediation agreement is carried out by methods provided for by civil law.
In addition, a mediation agreement reached by the parties as a result of a mediation procedure carried out without submitting the dispute to a court or arbitration tribunal, if notarized, has the force of an executive document.
As stated in Article 14 of Federal Law No. 193, the mediation procedure is terminated due to the following circumstances:
Based on the above, we can note the main theses characteristic of the mediation procedure: