To register a design in Russia, the right holder should contact Rospatent. The submission of documents for registration is allowed in the traditional paper or electronic form.
A person has the right to independently prepare and send an application or use the services of a competent representative. Foreign citizens must interact with the patent office through a patent attorney.
A number of requirements are imposed on the application materials:
- Use Russian language for filing.
- The application form is established by Rospatent. The right holder fills in all the columns in the document.
- The text indicates the true information about the owner of the intellectual property.
- At the end, the document is certified by the signature of the submitter.
When applying for registration, the applicant sends to Rospatent:
- The application for a patent.
- A set of images.
- A drawing of the general appearance and a team chart, if they are necessary to reveal the essence of the declared object.
- Description of the industrial design.
- Document on the payment of the state duty.
After Rospatent receives the application, specialists carry out a formal examination and check the correctness and completeness of filling in the declared documents.
In the “Articles” section, a lawyer from Zuykov and partners describes the procedure for filing an application for patenting an industrial design in detail.