Trademark Search
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Our ratingsCounterfeit products are often manufactured in other countries where there are more favorable conditions for the unfair manufacturers than in Russia. For example there might be cheaper labor power, lower rental payments for the premises, less transparent taxation system and a bigger number of production facilities. As a rule the counterfeit products are meant for the sales in the domestic market. All labels and packages contain information in Russian.
After the products are manufactured with the illegally used trademark they are sent to the border of Russia. If your trademark is enrolled to the Customs Intellectual Property Register (the register of the intellectual property objects maintained by the Federal Customs Service of the RF) then the customs control officers can stop import of the counterfeit products.
Enrollment of a trademark to the Customs Intellectual Property Register (the register of the intellectual property objects maintained by the Federal Customs Service of the RF) is an effective way of fighting counterfeit.
This registration makes it possible to:
Besides you can add other intellectual property objects to the Customs Intellectual Property Register. For example:
After your intellectual property object is added to the Customs Intellectual Property Register the information about this intellectual property object and trademark holder is forwarded to the regional customs offices that constantly control the goods movement. If customs officers find counterfeit products, they cease passing such goods through customs and inform the trademark holder about such cease, its reasons and terms, and provide trademark holder with the information about the infringer. Upon written request of the trademark holder the term of cease of passing goods through customs can be extended if the trademark holder proves the fact of infringement and initiates the procedure of defense of his exclusive rights.
The services of the registration in the Customs Intellectual Property Register include the following:
If you have already identified a counterfeit in the market, we are ready to protect your rights in administrative and court proceedings.