info@zuykov.com8 (800) 700-16-37
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mon-thu: from 09:30 to 18:15
fri: from 09:30 to 17:00
sat-sun: day off
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  • 权利人的职务、名称、姓名或父称、住址和通信地址;
  • 其他因技术问题造成的错误



Advantages of contacting the company “Zuykov and Partners”

More than 20 years on the market
More than 20 years on the market
Vast experience in the field of registration and protection of intellectual property rights
Attention to every client
Attention to every client
We correctly classify your goods or services and draw up a list for filing a trademark application
Professional approach
Professional approach
We use special software to control work processes and deadlines
We take responsibility
We take responsibility
We ensure official communication with Rospatent and monitor deadlines for payment of fees


A granted patent and a record of registration in the Rospatent Register do not mean that it is impossible to change the patent. The patent holder has the right to apply to the Patent Office with a request to change the information about the patent owner. Such changes include elimination of typos, errors or correction of information about the patent holder. In the latter case, it is allowed to correct the name of the company or the last name, first name, patronymic of the person, information about the address of the location and contact information for correspondence with the Patent Office. A request for the correction of information is drawn up in the form of a petition with an attachment of a document confirming the payment of the state fee.


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