进行知识产权转让的,须以书面形式签订转让合同,并在俄罗斯联邦知识产权局进行登记备案, 否则该转让将被视作无效。
凭借拟定超过10,000 份合同的经验 ,祖伊科夫律师事务所有能力保障您的利益 。
The signing of an assignment agreement allows the right holder complete transfer of the exclusive rights to another person. The parties mandatorily approve and set in the text the object of the agreement and its identifying characteristics, as well as the number of the patent or certificate. Then the persons discuss and indicate in the document the conditions for the transfer of rights, the cost of the assignment and note the fact of the complete alienation of rights. Otherwise, the agreement may be recognized as a license. In certain cases, the agreement requires registration and confirmation in the Patent Office. Thus, when transferring the rights to objects, registered by Rospatent - trademarks, utility models, inventions and others, the registration of an assignment agreement is also required.