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Marianna Boykova

Marianna Boykova

Patent Attorney
Office: Russia

Ms. Boykova has the status of patent attorney of the Russian Federation No. 2073. Specialization: inventions and utility models, computer programs, databases, integrated circuit topology. She also has the status of Eurasian Patent Attorney No. 502.

In 2014, she graduated from the National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute) with a degree in Medical Physics.

Specialization as a patent attorney:

  • Conducting various types of patent search for inventions and utility models, namely: international patent information search to assess patentability, search to determine the state of the art, verification of patent purity.
  • Registration, preparation and submission of applications for inventions, utility models, software and databases at Rospatent.
  • Drafting, preparation and submission of patent applications for inventions to the Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO).
  • Transfer of PCT international applications for the national/regional phase to the Russian/The Eurasian Patent Office, any country and regional patent offices around the world, in the field of physics, mechanical engineering, medical technology, food industry, oil and gas, transport, electronics, light and heavy industry, IT solutions.
  • Submission of applications for inventions/utility models to interested countries/patent offices, requesting convention priority.
  • Preparation of petitions for substantive examination of inventions and utility models.
  • Preparation of responses to requests and notifications on inventions, utility models, computer programs and databases.
  • Submission of international PCT applications.
  • Annual maintenance of the patent in force due to the fact that the patent must be maintained on an annual basis, otherwise it will be declared invalid.
  • Preparation of petitions for the restoration of the patent for an invention, utility model.
  • Making changes to the information about the patent holder, since in case of a change in the name/address of the copyright holder, it is necessary to make changes to the corresponding register of patents.
  • Challenging and invalidating a patent for an invention or utility model.

Work experience

2014 - 2015 — State expert on substantive examination in the Department of Medicine and Medical Technology.