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Review of some patents for drinks in Russia for 2022-2023


As everyone knows, Russia has been under sanctions for the last two years. Due to the political situation, many foreign manufacturing companies and well-known brands, especially from Europe and America, left the Russian market. Thus, in the food industry, especially in the field of soft drinks, our country has lost such drinks as Coca - Cola, Pepsi, Sprite, Fanta, Nestea and many others.

However, despite the absence of world-famous drinks, on the shelves of our stores you can see a fairly large variety of interesting types of domestic non-alcoholic products.

Let's find out what the situation is with the patenting of new drinks in Russia over the past two years. What do our inventors come up with in this area?

So, below is an overview of Russian patents for drinks received in the name of Russian companies:

  • Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Altai State Technical University named after I.I. Polzunov" (AltSTU) (RU) received a patent for a "Soft drink based on fermented chokeberry juice" as a substitute for fruit drink.

The invention relates to the food industry, in particular to the production of soft drinks with functional and preventive properties, namely a drink with juice made from plant materials. A non-alcoholic drink based on fermented chokeberry juice is proposed, which is made from fermented juice of chokeberry fruits, sugar, drinking water, lemon juice, citric acid, and to obtain fermented chokeberry juice, frozen chokeberry berries are thawed and then crushed to particle sizes of 2 - 5 mm to obtain pulp, which is kept for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 20-22°C, the enzyme preparation “Extrapect Color” is added to it in an amount of 0.05 g per 1 kg of pulp, hydrolysis is carried out for 1-2 hours at a temperature of 20-22°C with constant stirring, after which wine yeast "France Superstart" is added in the form of a yeast mixture in an amount of 0.5 g per 1 kg of pulp with constant stirring, after 3 days of fermentation, separate the wort from the pulp with further fermentation using the white method at a temperature of 22-24°C until dry fermentation, using the following ratio of initial components, kg per 1000 dm3 of the finished product: fermented chokeberry juice 100-110; lemon juice 95-105; sugar 41-46; citric acid 0.1-0.3; drinking water the rest.

Such a functional product has high quality and consumer properties and can be recommended for the production of soft drinks.

  • Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University" (RU) has received a patent for a "Non-alcoholic carbonated drink", a substitute for Baikal.

The invention relates to the food industry. The patent proposes a non-alcoholic carbonated drink, which is made from drinking water, granulated sugar, fir coniferous distillate, lingonberry and raspberry juice with the addition of carbon dioxide with the following ratio of initial components per 100 decalitres of the finished drink: lingonberry juice - 70 liters; raspberry juice - 70 liters; fir pine distillate - 100 liters; carbon dioxide - 3 kg; granulated sugar - 60 kg; water - the rest up to 100 of the finished drink. The invention ensures the production of a high-quality non-alcoholic carbonated drink based on juice from lingonberries, raspberries and pine fir distillate with increased biological value, as well as expanding the range of soft drinks.

  • Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University" (RU) received a patent for the "Soft Drink".

The invention relates to the food industry, in particular to the production of soft drinks containing natural plant extracts. A non-alcoholic drink is proposed, which is made from flavoring components and drinking water, and as flavoring components aqueous-glycerin extract from rose hips, aqueous-alcoholic extract of chaga, aqueous-alcoholic extract from reindeer antlers powder are used, with the following ratio of ingredients, wt . %: aqueous-glycerin extract from rose hips - 55.0, aqueous-alcoholic extract of chaga - 2.8, aqueous-alcoholic extract of reindeer antlers powder - 3.0, drinking water - the rest. The invention expands the range of soft drinks based on natural ingredients, enriched with a wide range of biologically active substances, with targeted organoleptic and preventive indicators, while reducing the cost of producing the product.

  • Limited Liability Company "FEI YAN" (RU) received a patent for "Composition of herbal tea containing dietary supplements".

The invention relates to the tea branch of the food industry. The composition for herbal tea includes, in a given ratio, lotus nut leaf powder, luffa cylindrical fruit powder, cassia angustifolia leaf, Cassia tora seeds, Gynostemma pentaphyllum herb, Chinese green oolong tea, and may also contain extracts from the fruits of lemon, pineapple, orange, mint herb, apples, strawberries, bananas and dragon's eye berries at a certain quantitative content. The invention ensures the creation of a completely natural composition of herbal tea that is safe for human health with high organoleptic characteristics - the color of the infusion, aroma and taste, quenching thirst, pleasantly perceived by the body and, in particular, promoting weight loss with increased biological value and universal action, capable of simultaneously solving a wide range of emerging problems, for prompt relief of a person’s condition and for preparation for upcoming physical activity.

  • Limited Liability Company "SMART Aqua" (LLC "SMART Aqua") (RU) has a patent for "Functional drinking water "SMART Aqua" for pH correction".

A functional soft drink contains water, which is prepared by softening it, purifying it from impurities, clarifying and disinfecting it, bringing its hardness to values in the range of 0.5-3.0 mEq calcium and magnesium salts/liter, as well as potassium citrate, sodium citrate, magnesium citrate, boron and silicon. The specified components in measured quantities in the form of powders are introduced at room temperature with continuous stirring until a homogeneous solution is obtained. In this case, the concentrations of the above added components in the resulting drink are, mg/liter: potassium citrate - 300-3000; sodium citrate - 150-1500; magnesium citrate - 50-500; boron - 1-10; silicon - 10-100. The proposed drink allows you to adjust the pH.

  • Joint Stock Company Financial Agro-Industrial Corporation "Yakutia" (RU) owns a patent for the "Composition of a tonic non-alcoholic drink". This drink is an energy drink, like Red Bull, Adrenaline Rush.

The composition of the tonic non-alcoholic drink contains dissolved in prepared water from well G-009 with carbon dioxide: sugar, citric acid, taurine, sodium citrate, sodium benzoate, food flavoring, and the composition additionally contains an extract of the reindeer antlers “Epsorin”. All components are taken at a certain ratio. The invention makes it possible to create a composition of a tonic non-alcoholic drink that has an effect on the human body, which consists in increasing physical and mental performance, accelerating recovery from physical and mental fatigue, normalizing immunoreactivity, and increasing adaptive potential.

  • The Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian Biotechnological University (ROSBIOTECH)" (RU) received a patent for "Dry mixture of ingredients for preparing a drink".

The invention relates to the food industry, namely, to the production of food concentrates and can be used for the preparation of instant drinks having a dense, thick consistency like a “smoothie”, enriched with vegetable protein and dietary fiber. The invention is intended for a wide range of consumers: healthy people of all ages, children, special populations, athletes, as well as people who require dietary nutrition. The dry mixture of ingredients for preparing the drink contains hemp protein in an amount of 40.0-50.0%, natural flavoring in the form of cocoa powder in an amount of 20.0-25.0%, oatmeal in an amount of 20.0-25.0 %, xanthan gum in the amount of 2.0-5.0%, inulin as a sweetener 5.0-8.0%. The starting components are expressed in wt%. The invention provides an expansion of the range of food products, makes it possible to significantly simplify the composition due to the use of a small amount of natural plant ingredients in dry form, and reduce the process of mixing dry ingredients to 10 minutes.

Thus, as follows from the presented review, the inventive thought of our Russian innovators is actively working, allowing them to invent amazing soft drinks, which, in terms of their performance and properties, can create worthy competition for drinks that have left the Russian market, and to some extent even be unique and inimitable, which cannot but rejoice. We look forward to new Russian non-alcoholic products on the shelves of our stores in the very near future!
